Sunday, May 24, 2009

Yesterday I hit one of my local garden centers. I was in search of Perfect Moment. Yes, I know I can mail order it but I like immediate satisfaction. I want to see it, touch it, feel it. More or less I have no patience. LOL Anyway, I walked in and said my usual hellos. I sought out the man in charge. I shot the three names off that I was looking for. He shook his head and said, "I don't recall the names so it's probably not out there." I frowned and told him I had to go to the other place to find them. Then I asked him, why he kept ordering the same ones every year. He told me he forgets what he ordered from the year before. He smiled and said, "In the fall when I order for the here. You're going to come in and help me place the order since you know my stock better than I do. Then I'll order up your three. If they'll give them to me as bare roots and they're all yours." I thought I was going to jump up and down in my spot. I love cultivating these relationships. It never hurts to ask. It didn't hurt that I walked out with a flat and half of Petunias either. I have to plant up my pots for the porch today.

Then someone walked up to me as I was cruising the Petunias and asked me how to stop them from getting leggy. I showed her how to pinch them back. She then told me I was great employee. I told her I didn't work there. LOL

Today I have to split out some plants. Because I'm a lazy gardener and I don't tag. I have a Liatris coming up next to (almost in) my delphi. That's not going to work. I'll have to move it. I'm still waiting for Princess of Wales to do something. It didn't help that I moved it but dang that thing is slow up here.

The Azaleas have popped. The roddy is done for now and is now sprouting new growth everywhere. The lilacs smell like heaven. I really miss the big tree instead of the stick that I have, but Mother Nature gets even with us once and a while.

I need to prune one rose that had cane borers and seal it up with some Elmer's white glue so they come back.

I need to seed, weed, and feed today. Let's hope the weather hold out.

There's nothing like a little Perfume Perfection to make your day!

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